Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 30 Sep 2017
War Child is starting a Child Protection emergency response in Kasai and is looking for a Response Manager with a Child Protection/Protection background to coordinate Needs Assessment, project activities and programme development in the region.
This role is a senior position and will provide critical support to the Country Director (CD) in new programme development and extending WCUK’s work in the Kasaï, where the organisation is not present currently. The Programme Manager will be line managed by the DRC Country Director (CD), based in Kinshasa. The CD will provide direction on all issues related to programming, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation support.
The role principal responsibilities are:
• Conducting a needs assessment
• Project design based on the findings from the needs assessment
• Project Implementation
• Financial/Asset Management
• Personnel Management
• Program Development
Job Description & Person Specification
• Coordination with partner organisations and other actors in Kasaï
• Security management
• Other duties as assigned
Responsible to: Country Director, based in Kinshasa.
Line Management Responsibility: WCUK Kasai Team
A.1. Project Coordination
• Lead and manage a needs assessment in the affected areas of the Kasai region
• Based on the findings from the needs assessment, lead the definition of the Response strategy, and to the related operational plan.
• Manage program budgets including monthly budget forecasting and quarterly budget revisions.
• Provide technical leadership on program implementation methodologies in collaboration with the child protection and Education technical advisor to ensure quality and adherence to national and international standards and guidelines. .
• Ensure that programs are implemented in a contextually sensitive manner, taking a rights based approach, and that respect humanitarian principles such as “do no harm”.
• Ensure that each activity involving the participation of children is preceeded by a complete risk analysis included in the related terms of references or attached to them.
• Work with relevant government and non-government partners to strengthen capacity on child protection, community service programming and advocate for improved child protection systems and policies. • In coordination with CD, liaise with governmental officials, international and national organization on WCUK’s behalf. • Attend and contribute to relevant interagency coordination mechanisms.
• Manage program partnerships including partner capacity building, follow-up and reporting.
• Ensure appropriate, timely and accurate data collection against agreed indicators to enable both internal and external reporting.
• In collaboration with the MEAL & Partnerships Advisor, lead the selection of relevant new local partners by identifying qualitative selection criterias, due diligence processes and establishing selection committees the include both programme and support staff.
• Work with CD to oversee management of grants including the timely implementation of planned activities and appropriate expenditure of funds.
• Ensure the timeliness and quality of donor narrative and financial reports, as per donor reporting guidelines and War Child’s reporting standards.
• Identify funding gaps for programme acvities and assist CD in planning resource analysis to ensure that funds are found to address those gaps in annual planning.
• Participate to programme related advocacy initiatives.
• Ensure that security is a key and central preoccupation at every step of programme implementation. This includes the security of WCUK staff, local partners, children and beneficiaries as well as communities where projects are implemented.
A.2. HR management
• Supervise Kasai Response team ,provide leadership, day-to-day support and guidance. Build the capacity of staff through mentoring and training.
• Participate in the recruitment of competent and professional candidates fulfilling the specific requirements to each programme position, following a competitive selection process, in compliance with War Child UK’s HR manual.
• Ensure that every Programme staff have up to date job descriptions and performance objectives. Directly supervise the performance objective setting and review of project coordinators, in line with HR policies and procedures
• Ensure that each Programme staff has read and accepted War Child UK’s Child Protection policy, and that this policy is strictly applied by all throughout project implementation.
• In collaboration with the MEAL Officer, ensure that each project has a comprehensive MEAL plan, outlining how monitoring data will be collected against the logframe, how the response will be evaluated, and how data and learning will be used on an ongoing basis to enhance the effectiveness of the response
• Ensure that the database with beneficiary numbers is maintained by project staff and MEAL Officers.
• Facilitate internal and external evaluations of the project, using these as opportunities to elicit and document achievements, challenges, learning and opportunities.
• Collaborate with the M&E officers to set up improved accountability and learning systems at the DRC mission level in accordance with our 2016-2018 country strategy’s internal objective.
• Work with Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning team to identify and incorporate project suitable accountability mechanisms.
• Lead/Support Child protection assessments as required, ensuring assessment findings are documented and that all assessments include a disaggregated analysis of children’s needs
A.5. Compliance
• Ensure compliance with donor Rules and Regulations in all areas including financial management, records keeping, procurement
• Comply fully with WCUKs finance, security and child safeguarding policies and procedures, managed by the Country Director.
• Ensure that WCUK’s child safeguarding policy is fully operational and that all staff are well briefed on the policy and know how to report concerns or violations of the policy.
• Ensure that receipts and supporting documents are provided to the Kinshasa based Finance and Operations Manager and Finance Officer in line with donor requirements.
• Liaise with the Country Director and London based Programme Development and Grants Coordinator to resolve any budgeting issues.
• Ensure partner compliance with all of the above.
A.6. Programme Development
• Provide Country Director with technical assistance in writing new project initiatives and proposals
• Collaborate with Finance and Operations Manager on finances and budget tracking
A.7. Administration/Finances/Security/Communication
• Ensure that project implementations comply with War Child UK’s global finances manual
• Responsible for ensuring that projects are implemented by War Child and partner staff in full compliance with WCUK’s security policy and procedures. Security is non-negotiable and overrides programme considerations
• Report and record security incidents for the Country Director
• Represent on request of Country Director, the organisation to key donors, government officials, diplomats, multilateral organisations, journalists, visiting dignitaries and in external network meetings.
How to apply:
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