Closing date: 08 Jun 2016
Over the last 20 years War Child has worked with high-profile supporters to fundraise, to influence and to communicate the plight of children living in conflict-affected areas around the world. In more recent years War Child has worked with high-profile music talent, actors, politicians, correspondents, businesspeople and artists to help deliver against annual business plans and KPIs.
War Child is keen to develop a more strategic approach to how we engage, inspire and retain the support of high profile supporters to enhance the work we do. We aim to develop a cadre of high-profile supporters for War Child who will:
· Raise the public profile and increase support for War Child through communicating our work and cause, and generating media and social media attention
· Raise money for War Child – directly as a donor and through harnessing their networks to donate, and indirectly through mobilising individual givers
· Influence policy change through campaigning for War Child and leveraging political access, particularly through attendance at events
· Introduce War Child to new audiences through their existing channels
Key activities and deliverables
War Child UK is seeking a consultant to support us in the development of our high profile supporter strategy, through delivering the following:
1.Build War Child’s understanding of high profile strategies across the sector and models for recruiting and retaining high profile supporters
Conduct research into high profile strategies and global ambassador programmes across the charity sector, including:
a. How high profile supporters are approached
b. What package of incentives are offered
c. How relationships are managed and maintained
d. What approaches are used to ensure positive ‘brand fit’
This research would mainly aim to enhance War Child’s understanding of other approaches, rather than provide a blueprint for War Child to follow.
2.Map War Child’s historic, lapsed and current high profile relationships
Conduct an internal mapping of all historic, lapsed and current high-profile relationships, including their agents and who manages the relationships within War Child, importing into Salesforce to enable management and review of current situation. This should include:
a. High-profile donors (we have 10 high-profile lapsed & existing supporters who have given to WC and need to be reactivated/up-scaled)
b. High profile advocacy/campaign supporters
c. High-profile artists who have given their time pro-bono
d. High profile celebrities who have engaged with us in anyway e.g. tweeted for us, attended fundraising events
3.Develop a robust system and process for identifying, selecting and contracting new high profile supporters, minimising reputational risk and maximising support for children in conflict
The system for selecting high profile supporters should include:
a. A comprehensive analysis of War Child UK’s supporters, our target audiences, and the kinds of high profile supporters who would make a good ‘brand fit’, taking into account War Child’s unique relationship with the music industry
b. A framework for assessment of potential high profile supporters – including a series of screening questions that seek to minimise risk of any reputational damage to War Child, building on existing screening processes sin War Child
c. Template contract for high profile supporters outlining obligations and duties of both War Child and the supporter (including obligatory child safe guarding training and signing of our policy as well as triggers and processes for breaking contract – building on existing policies and contracts).
d. A programme of activity that we would expect any ambassador to agree to as a minimum
· Commit to provide spokesperson comments in media
· Attend events
· Commitment to not join any similar charities as ambassador
· Time frame of commitment
e. Crisis management plan in the event that the reputation of any high profile supporter is brought into question and may reflect badly on War Child
4.Develop internal roles, processes and structures for the management of high-profile supporters within War Child
a. Identify the core responsibilities that are needed to deliver an expanded high profile supporter strategy, the staff competencies needed, where that could sit within the organisation and whether new roles are necessary
b. Propose an internal high profile supporter structure, proposing any new positions, and outlining the roles, responsibilities and relationships of a diverse group of staff members within that structure including:
§ Director of Fundraising
§ Director of Advocacy/Comms
§ Head of Press/PR
§ Head of Music, Entertainment and Development
§ Music events specialist
§ Music and Entertainment manager
§ Corporate Partnerships Manager (Gaming)Head of Philanthropy
c. Develop decision-making protocol for managing high profile supporters
5.Provide advice and insights on high profile supporters’ potential role in global Summits and UN processes
The above activities will contribute to a longer-term and more strategic approach to high profile supporters, but War Child is also keen to gain further in-depth advice on working with ambassadors in the context of global decision making and UN Summits. This advice would include:
· Securing speaking opportunities at UN events
· Connecting with key decision-makers in the UN system
· Managing international stakeholders
It is envisaged that the project would lead to the following outputs:
· Inception meeting to discuss approach
· Regular progress updates
· Sector scoping report
· Mapping report of existing War Child relationships
· Report outlining proposed approach to and internal management of high profile relationships
· Briefing meeting on engaging at UN level
· Introductions to key UN staff in New York
June – August 2016
How to apply:
If you think you have the experience and expertise to deliver this piece of work, please send a proposal to War Child by 8th June 2016 which includes the following information:
· Proposed approach and methodology for completing the work
· Details of previous experience of similar pieces of work – including full CV(s) of those who would be delivering the work
· Budget including day-rates and any other costs
Please send your proposal to Hannah Stoddart, Director of Advocacy and Communications at War Child - by COB 8th June. If you have any further questions please get in touch with Hannah directly.